Daydream Obama 08 Remix-Rewrite

Daydream Obama 08

Carry us up to be received
We’re drinking coffee at 6 a.m.
Newspaper’s trying to scare me to death
But I won’t be pulled (polled?) into fear

Tears rise as I daydream
Will Martin’s Dream soon be fulfilled?

Can you feel?

Carry us up to receive
Cos despair as fate is nonsense to me
Sun warms us through our windows
But you and I must go outside

With knowledge from real conversations
We will act in work and song

Can you feel?
You’re not alone!
Can you feel?

Carry us up to believe
That words of peace stir collective souls
That we will be moved by non-violent minds
That this “change” will resist nostalgia

Tears rise as I daydream
And I begin to smile

Can you feel?
You’re not alone!

An update for this amazing day! Recorded this afternoon. (That’s Est Nyboer on the drums.)


  1. Lynn August 28, 2008

    Jason, this is so nice. I get soooo many e-mails of people doing songs for Obama (which is really cool), but this song is classy, heartfelt and beautifully done Thank you. A gift, for sure. I’ve got one out there too, but not the quality of this. I recorded on a little Tascam digital and there’s lots of pops and clicks. The link to it is above in the “Website” slot if you’d like to take a peek. Thanks again for this wonderful song.

    Best to you,

    Lynn Harbaugh

  2. Trish Nicholas August 29, 2008


    This is a beautiful song which instantly propelled me back to the stadium and Barack’s acceptance speech.

    Thank you for sending me this link.


  3. Marla September 2, 2008

    This is a beautiful song. I know that you joined OMAE and I would like to share your song with all the other members. It deserves to be heard!


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